Most likely every marketer or website owner raises this question before making changes to their existing website or building a new one. Shall I make a landing page, microsite or a proper website? The key factor here - it doesn't…
As a multidisciplinary designer, over the past decade, I've gained significant experience working on different types of websites. I would like to share my classification of website projects. When you're starting a new website project, it's important to clearly understand…
You probably asking yourself, why precisely 13 ideas, not 50 or 100? The answer is simple - personal experience, as well as this selection, is not tailored to a specific client. These brand strategy ideas will work well for the…
With the majority of projects either web design or development, there is often an element of time uncertainty: designers promise to deliver work quickly, then they announce some unrealistic deadlines and include unclear activities. In this article I will be…
Marquee is coming back in to trend again, it is a well forgotten effect. Previously running text effect was achieved with <marquee>. This element is used to insert a scrolling area of text. You can control what happens when the…